Main Causes of Cancer
Interview with Andreas Moritz
Interviewed by Raena Morgan
June 10, 2009
Raena Morgan: Andreas, in your book, on cancernot being a disease, on being a survival mechanism, you said there are threemain causes to cancer. Could you elaborate on that, please?
Andreas Moritz: Yes. Typically, it iscongestion, it’s always involved. Your congestion of things- waste productsthat the body is supposed to eliminate.
RM: Waste products?
AM: Yes. And for example, if you ate somethinglike chicken or meat. There’s a new study that came out- and I wrote an articlein Natural News, there’s a study that came out of the National Institute ofCancer and they tested five hundred and fifty thousand people, and they foundthat eating meat increased the chance or the risk of dying by twenty percent.
RM: Okay.
AM: And that is the risk of dying from all kindsof illnesses, every single one, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes,osteoporosis, you know, all kinds of causes of death that are triggered by theeating of meat. And so eating meat, when you do that, you can only digest afraction of it because we don’t have the concentration of hydrochloric acidthat carnivorous animal like a cat has. So if you eat the chicken, let’s say,you can only digest up to twenty percent of it. The rest of it, the eightypercent, will have to be decomposed. And you need bacteria to do the job ofdecomposing that, and that happens in the intestines, particularly the largeintestine. So when you have these bacteria decomposing those foods, you producepoisons like cadaverines…nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are some of the strongestcarcinogens you can come across. And these are poisons that will be absorbedinto the cisterna chili vessel, the main lymph drainage center in the bodyright around the belly button area, and that is the lymph vessel that drainsthe metabolic waste products and they turn over cells, like thirty billioncells per day from your legs all the way up through your reproductive organs,through your uterus, in a woman in the ovaries and in a men the testicles, theprostate gland and then the intestines, the large intestine, small intestine,the stomach, the pancreas, the spleen, the liver, and everything from the ribcage down basically gets drained by that cisterna chili vessel. Now that vesselhas a duct that moves all the way up to the throat, and that’s where it bendsto the left and it joins the blood stream at the heart. Now, that is the majorlymph drainage duct that has ducts moving into the…duct themselves. And theydrain, for example, the breasts.
RM: All right.
AM: So if you have a lymph congestion buildingup because there are too many toxins from that undigested meat, are clogging upthe lymph system which is severely congesting it, then the lymph drainage fromthe breasts can no longer take place properly, and then you have a denserbreast, so that means more metabolic waste products and dead cells accumulatingin the breast tissue that makes it more dense, and then eventually thesuffocation occurs that then leads to the mutation of the DNA, and that willeventually lead to the cancer.
RM: So congestion is a big one.
AM: Congestion, most important. The second, if Imention two more, it would be Vitamin D. As soon as Vitamin D is low- becauseVitamin D controls two and a half thousand genes in the body.
RM: Wow.
AM: It’s the most influential hormone. It’sabsolutely powerful. It is also responsible for keeping the immune systemhealthy and strong; you can’t have a healthy immune system with low levels ofVitamin D, it’s impossible.
RM: All right.
AM: So that makes you susceptible to your cancer.As I mentioned, seventy-seven percent of all your cancers can be avoided simplyby restoring Vitamin D to its normal level. Then you have lack of sleep.
RM: Lack of sleep?
AM: Lack of sleep. There’s a particular type ofthe night which allows you to produce melatonin. And there’s a research studythat was done, it’s actually an ongoing study, it’s called the Nurses Study,and they looked at closely the connection between melatonin, which is apowerful hormone produced in the pineal gland and that is produced only isresponse to darkness. When your eyes are shut, when you don’t see light, whenthere’s no light shining on your skin, then you make melatonin. And ittypically begins being secreted at around nine thirty in the evening and itpeaks at around midnight, one o’clock.
RM: Okay.
AM: Now, when you have low levels of melatonin,your risk of cancer goes up because melatonin controls a gene that in itself isresponsible for the life cycles of cells. That means if your breast cell issupposed to live for six weeks and then die and get replaced with a new one,the cell will live longer if your melatonin is low. Your cell will live tenweeks, twelve weeks, you know, twenty weeks.
RM: Too long?
AM: By that time, it is a cancer cell.
RM: Oh!
AM: Because cancer cells have a differentdividing mechanism. So old cells are cancer cells. The longer they live, themore damaging. So there’s a gene that makes sure that they die on time. It’s adeath gene and it allows the person to live. If you don’t have that or it’s notactive, then you’re a person that can develop cancer cells. And they found thatin the study that nurses have the highest risk of breast cancer or othercancers because they have an irregular sleeping habit, their melatonin levelsare typically very low. Blind people, in contrast, they have the lowest risk ofcancer because they are in darkness all the time and they produce the mostmelatonin. However, they have low levels of serotonin, which is a day hormonethat is secreted in response to daylight, or sunlight, and they are depressedmore than people who have enough sun exposure.
RM: Okay. So it’s congestion, lack of Vitamin Dand lack of sleep which promotes lack of melatonin.
AM: Yes. Dietary factors play a huge role too.
RM: We’ll talk about that.
AM: Yeah.
RM: Thank you.
AM: You’re welcome.