Interviewer: Bob, you talk about cancer being an immune-system disease. Can you touch on that a little bit more?
Bob Wright: Well, God has given us an immune system. When a baby is born, the first milk from the mother is colostrum, and through that colostrum, the immune system is transferred via transfer factors to the child. The immune system really starts and is built. It's really sad that so many mothers aren't really nursing today, because it becomes very difficult. Why do we have sick children today? You can probably trace a lot of it back to that.
But the immune system was put within us and it grows within us, and if we keep it healthy, it's designed to knock out the common cold or prevent you from getting it. I've known many people who have largely not been sick their entire lives. I'm fortunately one of them. I've had very few sicknesses in my life, and I can probably look back at the times when I've had a real bad cold, and for about 25 years, I haven't been sick. I can look back and say, "Ah, yeah. That's the time that I fell off the wagon" or whatever it might be.
But the reason is that these people, they exercise. They eat the right foods largely. It doesn't mean you have to eat vegetables every day. It means you have to maintain a sensible diet, one that is largely alkaline. I'd like to say that it doesn't matter what you do on Saturday; it matters what you do the rest of the week. If you fall off, get back on. It doesn't mean you can't have chocolate once in a while. As a matter of fact, there's some very good organic chocolate out there now that only has a little bit of cane sugar in it. It's dark chocolate, and it's good for you. But people don't know about it. Eat a Hershey bar instead, which is full of sugar and it tastes great, but it's really not any good for you.
It matters what we put in our body to build our immune system. I say if you can't throw it in the dirt and watch it grow, don't eat it. Your food is supposed to spoil over time, right?
Interviewer: Mm-hmm.
Bob Wright: Have you heard of the guy who has the McDonald's museum?
Interviewer: I have, actually.
Bob Wright: How come that food hasn't spoiled yet? Because it's not food.
The immune system has the power to knock out whatever you throw at it, by and large, as long as you keep it strong. The problem in America, again, is that we acidify our bodies. We debilitate our immune system. We fill our body with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. We all have parasites unless you cleanse them regularly. Then we wonder why we get sick.
The immune system works. It's the only thing that will heal you. There's no supplement. There's no drug. There's no doctor. There's no individual thing that will heal you of cancer or any other disease. It's that immune system. It's strong. It's strengthened when it's weak, will keep you healthy, or it will heal you when you're not. It's been proven over centuries. That's what works.
Interviewer: Do you find that all cancers fit under that immune-system condition? Or are some different?
Bob Wright: People ask me that question a lot. I've got glioblastoma; I've got pancreatic cancer; I've got colon cancer; I've got cervical cancer; "I've got breast cancer. What kind of breast cancer? There are a hundred or a thousand different labels for cancer. You know what? Cancer is cancer. You will treat it baseline the same way if you do the right things, and these are the things that I have talked about: the right diet, the right water. Baseline, again, because you need, first of all, to stop that cancer from growing. Then you need to feed the good cells while you're doing that, and then you need to reverse the cancer. You can do that through diet and water and the correct supplements and if it's too bad, you can go to a clinic and have massive intervention with things like DNSO and Laetrile and vitamin C intravenously and other things: hyperthermia, Coley's toxins, infrared blood irradiation, these things that really work against cancer that's really aggressive.