Fight against cancer starts with everything natural

Tags: cancer, cannabis, organic produce
(NaturalNews) Breast cancer is a hot topic for the American public and societies across the world. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second most common cause of cancer mortality among women in the United States, says Susan M. Gapstur, PhD, author of "Fat, Fruits, Vegetables, and Breast Cancer Survivorship," which was published in theJournal of the American Medical Association(JAMA). Current estimates reveal that around 2.4 million women within the United States are breast cancer survivors. The risk of recurrence is always a concern, more so for some than others. Previous studies that looked at dietary patterns and lifestyle habits in relation to re-occurrence are inconsistent.
However, a growing amount of evidence is emerging from clinical trials that have been designed to examine the specific effects of dietary interventions on prognosis of breast cancer. Skeptics might rule in favor of studies that support steak buffets, while eastern nutritionists continue to proclaim the positive and powerful effects of all things natural.
A study published in JAMA in 2010 found a hefty diet of fruits and vegetables to play a moderate role in preventing cancer. Author Mike Mitka says the study found a very small inverse association between cancer risk and total intake of vegetables and fruits.
The secret cure
Although dietary supplements will continue to be the subject of much research and investigation, the most powerful story in the news lately is the research that was finally revealed to the public regarding the effects of cannabis on cancer. Cannabis is also known as "marijuana" and originates from Asia but can be grown anywhere in the world. It is still considered a controlled substance, but many researchers are using it for pharmaceutical studies and herbal medicines.Cannabinoids, a class of chemicals found in cannabis, have been found to possess antiviral properties, cancer cell growth-blocking abilities, blocking of blood vessel growth to tumors and remedial effects for symptoms of multiple sclerosis. When administering this product, it can either be inhaled or taken orally.
So whether Western medical practitioners wish to continue spending funds on reiterating previous study findings, a good diet of vegetables and fruits will go a long way in living a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to cancer cures, cannabis is also another item that tops the list for scientific investigation.
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