
Cancer as a Stress Reaction

새무슨 2015. 5. 8. 17:24

Time: 3:18Added: 3/27/2012
Views: 1988

Dr. Carolyn Dean talks about cancer as a stress response. She talks about a theory called 'total biology', where the mind deals with stress in a way that could lead to cancer.

Contributor(s): Dean, Carolyn M.D., N.D.
Tags: stresstoxiccancertoxicityimmune systemdiagnosismental health,alternative medicine

Scott: Doctor, the  term cancer is used as a business, is used an awful lot. How true is that?

Dr. Carolyn Dean: Well, in my book death by modern medicine. I have a chapter, Death by cancer. I guess, the allopathic and establishment medicine, they've never know how to either diagnose cancer, never known how to treat it, but what we know in the natural medicine world, is that it's the body's immune system becoming toxic and therefore distracted with the toxicity and not able to do it's normal function of weeding out abnormal cells. So, cancer is abnormal cells that just get kind of fed by toxins and start growing a muck. 

That's one theory. A field called Total Biology is what I ascribe to, where the mind under sufficient stress will put some of that stress in a corresponding part of the body to quote, unquote, solve the problem. You'll have a woman who's got major stress. one of her children is in intensive care, a  potentially fatal disease. What happens in her mind, she can't sleep, she can't function, so, the body in order to protect her from doing something, not so much suicide, but  incapacitate to the extent that she's not sleeping, she could fall in front of a car. The mind to protect her, will actually start stimulating the breast tissue to grow more cells in order to produce milk, to nurture the problem. That sounds  bizarre, but in fact, there have been a lot of studies, especially in Germany, where they can do x-rays, MRI's, with no contrast, and see the lesion in the brain that corresponds to the area in the breast. 

When the stress is removed, the lesion in the breast heals up. Now, what we end up doing in allopathic medicine, is when the lesion is healing, that's when it gets inflamed and becomes noticeable. It becomes the lump. Then, we have a second stress, which is oh, now you've got cancer. It may not be if someone can be counseled at that point , maybe just have a lumpectomy, they'll often find out it's not malignant. There's the psychological aspect of cancer that we are not looking at in North America, at all. It should be addressed. It has to be addressed, because what we actually do, in allopathic medicine is make it worse. Because doctors fear cancer. They don't know how to treat it. It's very scary to them, and they pass that fear on to the patients.