Scott: Dr. Coldwell, in this country, the war on cancer started in the '70s, but the cancer rate continues to grow. It's higher now than it was back then. Can you help explain why that is?
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Of course. We had the cancer rate of 7% in 1900; we have a cancer rate of 56% today. Every second person in America has cancer or will get cancer. For a family of four, statistically two of them will get cancer.
In 1700, there were no chemicals in the food, there were no chem trails in the air, there were no mandatory, or imposed mandatory vaccinations. The children did not really get vaccinated at all.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Because vaccination is one of the main causes of cancer. A vaccination is an assault with a deadly weapon. It never worked; never will work. It's absolutely impossible.
When you look at the facts, people worked on the outside, a lot of fresh air, a lot of physical movement.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Today people sit behind the desk all day, or they sit on a sofa and watch TV, and eat all these foods with preservatives. Basically, if you cut it down, the only cause for cancer, in my opinion, is mentally and emotional stress. Mental and emotional stress, which means, 86% statistically of all doctor visits and all illness is stress related. That's a fact. Stanford University conducted a study, and even concluded that 95% of all illness is stress related.
So, back in the 1900s, the stress was basically how to catch the cow to milk it. And on the other hand, you worked it off by physical labor.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: You were in the fresh air, and with fresh air, you didn't have all these polluted foods. Because people need to understand that we are born with cancer. Everybody has cancerous cells in their system the second they are born, and our immune system just gets rid of them from the very first day. So, the question to ask is, why does the immune system all of a sudden stop doing its job?
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: And the answer is always 'lack of energy.' So where's this lack of energy coming from? Mainly, mental and emotional stress. Staying in a relationship you cannot handle anymore, staying in a job you cannot bear any longer, and so on.
But if you look at the differences, to answer your question correctly, between 1900 and today, cancer is only a business, a $60 billion a year business. And the prevention and early detection is a $162 billion a year industry. So, it's altogether over $220 billion a year industry. Nobody is interested in the cures. We know that Vitamin C injections, 100cc Vitamin C intravenously, a day, cures most cancer tumors in 12 to 21 days, in my experience. We can cure cancer with Vitamin B-17, with Laetrile, with apricot seeds.
There are 400 known natural cancer cures out there that cost next to nothing. And that's where the problem is: it costs next to nothing. And to answer your question, the cancer rate today is only that high because there's an American Cancer Society that prevents you from knowing about the 400 natural cancer cures out there that have basically no side effects at all, and work to some extent nearly 100% each time. When we look at this, it's all about business, it's all about marketing. It's all about keeping their powers.
And, then there's a lot of political behind all of this, because we have a population control idea going on. Bill Gates is very much involved in vaccinating the entire world and vaccination is the main cause of death that I know of. And so, everyone has his or her own agenda, and they need to do whatever they need to do, but people are waking up, thank God, and they're getting more and more alert, and taking more and more responsibility and charge over their own lives.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: The cancer rate today, to be honest, is high. From the physical point of view: vaccinations, preservatives, dead food, bad food, and not enough living enzymes. The food is basically without any kind of nutritional value, so you have to supplement all the time. Even the juicing doesn't do it anymore, because it's not in the fruits or the vegetables any longer.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: But mainly, it's a political issue; it's mainly about money . . .
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: . . . a lot of money. They murder our loves ones for money. And this is what people need to understand. They murder your husband, your wife, your daughter, your son, your grandmother, your mother, your grandfather, father, just for money.
They don't even learn about healing in medical school. They learn how to intervene with chemicals in regards to a symptom. How to suppress a symptom with chemicals or surgery; that's all they learn.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: They don't treat a patient, they treat the cancer. Just the way that they verbalize it already shows what it is. They're trying to turn cancer into a manageable disease like diabetes, so that they can treat the cancer patient, basically forever.
Nobody has ever been cured, in my knowledge, from chemotherapy, radiation or surgery; most of them have been murdered by chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. But if people don't start taking responsibility, start taking control over their own lives, start loving themselves, accepting themselves, respecting themselves; taking themselves more importantly, then it's going to be a huge problem for the entire future.
If the American Cancer Society has to dissolve itself the second a cancer sure has been found, what interest do they have?
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Or the American Medical Association; they suppress all these natural cures.
Vitamin C cures cancer, and Vitamin C really really cures kind of like, nearly everything, including high blood pressure, every cardiovascular disease, heart problems and so on. It gets rid of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and all these kinds of elements.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell: So, they are making it now illegal, so it will not be available to us anymore. It's like colloidal silver gets rid of every kind of infection or inflammation, so they're going to get rid of it.
And this is the reason why the cancer rate is this high, because they want it to be high. They're kind of like the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession lives off the high cancer rate, not a low cancer rate.