
Your Body Needs to be Alkaline

새무슨 2015. 2. 4. 17:36

미국에 Dr. Leonard Coldwell 이라는 의사가 있다. 그는 정신적,감정적 스트레스와 잘못된 식습관이 암의 원인이라는 걸 발견하고는, (이세상 자연 법칙이 모두 그러하듯이) 그 반대 기제를 적용함으로써 암을 치료하는 치료법을 발견했다.

그의 치료법은 (암산업이 지배하는)미국에서는 불법이며 체포되기 때문에 유럽에서 그를따르는 의사들과 치료를하고 있으며 그의 암환자 완치율은 94.7%, 지금까지 35,000명 이상의 암 환자를 '완치' 시켰다.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell says if you're too acidic, you have a better chance of getting cancer. Find out how to get your body more alkaline. Also Dr. Coldwell talks about the main cause of cancer and what you can do to help your own body heal itself.

Contributor(s): Coldwell, Leonard Dr.
Tags: stressmeatphcanceralcoholalkalinecoffeeph balance

Scott: Doctor, I want to ask you about our bodies being alkaline. How do I know if I'm too acidic? Are there symptoms? And then if I do find that out, what's the best way to get my body back in balance, and get it more alkaline?

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: First of all, you get pH strips, now, nearly everywhere, every pharmacy, for a couple of bucks. It's a saliva test, or a urine test and you can find out within seconds if you are acidic. If you are in the blue range, which you are alkaline, pretty safe. Or you're getting more into the yellow range, which would be acidic. And then you should really start instantly stop eating red meat. I'm not a vegetarian, I'm not promoting to be a vegetarian, because I think every extreme is wrong. All of my friends that are vegetarians all look like they're going to die tomorrow. I'm not really a proponent of any form of extreme.

I think we can eat everything, as long as we do 70% right, living food, lots of enzymes. You can do 30 percent wrong, but I would stop immediately everything that's acidic, like coffee, like alcohol and start instantly juicing in the morning, one third each apple, celery, carrot juice, every morning. A lot of people get lots of diarrhea from it, which means they have a lot of toxins in their system that have to come out. 

But really, basically, in my experience, you can stop the growth of cancer really, really fast. And we have to come back to my element, and the only one that's taking care of the root cause of cancer: mental and emotional stress. We now talked about the symptoms of the physical body, but if you don't eliminate the bad relationship, the bad marriage that keeps you down so much that you don't want to live anymore, if you don't change the horrible job you cannot bear any longer, if you don't get enough of the self esteem and self love you need, you will always live in stress. As long as you live in stress, you're going to be acidic. There's absolutely no way around that. You cannot heal while you are in a state of stress, because you are in a state of fight or flight. The body, the metabolism gets shut up. The body cannot heal as long as you are stressed. That's why you can only heal while you are asleep. My CDs give you an equivalent in 20 minutes of eight hours of deep, restful sleep. 

And that's what we did with our patients. We make sure they have this taking the hand off the table edge. Stopping this rubbing, focusing to the inside. But you have to uncover what changed. What is the root cause that made me sick in the first place? What is the root cause that led to the lack of energy that allowed the body to malfunction or create this dramatic health challenge? This is basically where you really have to look at, where you really have to understand if you do not get rid of the root cause, it doesn't matter what you do physically. You will still die. You have to identify and eliminate the root cause of your lack of energy that led to the cancerous growths, or any other form of disease. Otherwise, there's absolutely no way for you to recover or stay healthy in the first place.