
Are Some Cancerous Tumors Just a Buildup of Toxins?

새무슨 2015. 2. 4. 17:54

미국에 Dr. Leonard Coldwell 이라는 의사가 있다. 그는 정신적,감정적 스트레스와 잘못된 식습관이 암의 원인이라는 걸 발견하고는, (이세상 자연 법칙이 모두 그러하듯이) 그 반대 기제를 적용함으로써 암을 치료하는 치료법을 발견했다.

그의 치료법은 (암산업이 지배하는)미국에서는 불법이며 체포되기 때문에 유럽에서 그를따르는 의사들과 치료를하고 있으며 그의 암환자 완치율은 94.7%, 지금까지 35,000명 이상의 암 환자를 '완치' 시켰다.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell says that cancerous tumors are simply a collection of toxins in the body. He also talks about some cancer cures and whether or not early cancer detection is beneficial. Dr. Coldwell also talks about the effectiveness of current cancer treatments and what some doctors are facing that may actually be able to help.

Contributor(s): Coldwell, Leonard Dr.
Tags: stresstoxinstoxiccanceracidmercurytoxicityvitamin bbrain health

Interviewer: You mentioned that a tumor is a collections of toxins. So is a cancer that grows in our body just a continuation of collection of those toxins?

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: Yes, of course. You basically have two problems, two forms of problems if you talk about cancer. You have basically mutated cells that have a change in the DNA. And these mutated cells, instead of the healthy cells, start to multiply. That's one form. So it grows into your entire system, and basically destroys the system from the inside out.

Then you have the tumor who is just growing in size. And if somebody has, for example, a brain tumor, which is usually caused by mercury fillings in the teeth or by the mercury indexing. If somebody has a tumor in the brain, just due to the size of course, it can push on certain parts of the brain. It will lose certain body functions or neurological functions, or we can die from it, of course, if the tumor reaches a certain size.

And we all basically just need to understand that since 1911 and 1936, we know two Nobel Prize winners, Dr. Wahlberg and Mark Planck, that cancer cannot exist or grow in an alkaline oxygen enriched environment. It's absolutely impossible. So, if our PH level is 7.36, where it's supposed to be, or in the healing phase of 7.5, there is no way for the cancer to further grow. Or if you stay there from the beginning, there's no way for cancer to develop in the first place.

But stress makes you acidic, and acidosis is what the cancer needs to survive, or to strive, or to grow in the first place. So you need to have toxemia, need to be toxic, need to develop acidosis. And, of course, because of the acidosis you have a lack of oxygen in your body. There's not enough oxygen in the body. And lacking oxygen is basically always the cause of cancerous growth. 

When we all just look at the simple facts that there are over 300-400 known cancer cures out there. Natural cancer cures without any known side affects, negative side affects, which very often are 100% cure rate. Where every doctor in Europe that ever experimented with Laetrile, it's vitamin B-17). For example, simple apricot kernels. And gave their patients 7-9 apricot kernels a day, the cancerous tumors usually disappeared very, very fast.

There's even an MD in California who cured his patients with Laetrile's, with B-17. And he went public, got arrested, got put into jail, and his license has been taken away for curing cancer patients for a couple of dollars.

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: We have a 60 billion dollar a year cancer industry. And, of course, the cancer industry is basically for the pharmaceutical/medical industry what oil is for the industrial industry. Nobody wants to get this source of income destroyed. There's more money made now in just early detections, systems, techniques, then ever before because now they are trying to make money in any way, shape, or form on the person they already have as a patient, or have as a customer. 

But, basically, early detection is nothing more than a customer creation system. And early detection, there's no study done that I know of. There's no study done that I've seen, or anybody I know of, that proves or has shown that early detection has ever prevented anybody from getting cancer, cured anybody, or helped anybody to get cured. So people need to look at the reality of things.

The medical industry usually always says, "Show me the data." First of all, we have enough data. And the data is mainly suppressed, in my opinion, by the most criminal organization in the world in the field of health and cancer, the American Cancer Society. 

The American Cancer Society has to dissolve the moment a cure for cancer is found, has been found. So there's a major . . . 

Interviewer: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: . . . conflict of interest here. They are responsible for suppressing all these natural cures that are known and out there. It started with the Roy Rife machine. Dr. Roy Rife, just with electromagnetic frequencies, got rid of cancerous tumors in minutes. Because if you change the frequency of a cancerous cell, it changes immediately the core of the cell. Immediately, the shape of the cell. 

We have a nurse in Canada, cured with [SCID] over 100 years ago, thousands and thousands of patients. Dr. Simoncini, in Rome, wrote this fantastic book, "Cancer is a Fungus", cured an enormous group of people just with baking soda, with sodium bicarbonate. The second that sodium bicarbonate alkalizes the cancer or the cancerous tumor, it just disappears. He has it on ultrasound. He has in on video. So there nothing maybe. He's an oncologist, by the way.

Interviewer: Mm.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: And he stated that the medical profession has a cancer cure rate of 2%. In my experience and my colleagues, 27% of all people that do nothing get cured, with absolutely doing nothing. Two independent studies done show I have a cancer cure rate of 92.3%. So if you look at the facts, that my mom was supposed to die of liver cancer 40 years ago. They gave her, when I was 12 years old, six months to live. They told her no one ever survived from liver cancer. Nobody got better. How it happened was that she had a gallbladder surgery that went wrong. They gave her hepatitis C blood. She developed hepatitis C from the hepatitis C liver cirrhosis. From the liver cirrhosis, liver cancer. I knew my mom from early childhood only crying from pain. only the emergency doctor coming in once/twice a day, shooting morphine into her, that she could scream a little bit less. 

All seven siblings of my mom had cancer. My father died of cancer. My grandfather died of cancer. My grandmother died of cancer. My stepfather died of cancer. I know more about cancer and the effect of the relative of the cancer patient than anybody on earth will ever know. Nobody knows even 1% of what I know about this. So to make a long story very short, my mom is still alive today. She turned 75 years old last November and she's 100%. Her liver is 100%. 

And there are studies done that state I have cured (or helped to cure) over 35,000 cancer patients. And there's 143 doctors out there still working with my system in Europe, which, of course, is completely illegal to use in the United States. Because by law, the medical doctor in America has to apply chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to the cancer patient if he knows better or not. If he wants to do this or not, or he/she is running the danger of losing their license or even go to jail. And this is, like, out of balance in what's really going on.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Leonard Coldwell: In Canada, the oncologists in Canada, there was a study done. They were asked if they would apply their own treatments to themselves or their loved ones. 86% said absolutely not. So, what does that tell us?

Interviewer: That says a lot right there.

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