Scott: Doctor we hear a lot about... a lot of bad things about genetically modified food, GMOs. Why is that bad and do we know, since it's a relatively new science, do we know the long term effects yet?
Dr. Coldwell: We... there's a couple of answers that are really, really important that people get these answers. First of all, the answer is Jeffrey Smith. Jeffrey Smith, the author of Seeds of Deception. The most sold book, of its kind, of all times. Jeffrey is one of the most fundamental researchers on Earth being capable and able to talk about GMO foods.Genetically modified foods, now imagine Monsanto started to put pesticides into seeds so that the plant grows a pesticide.
So if the pests are eating it, they are dying. Okay, would you go home and take your roach or spider spray, or the spray that's made to kill flees or flies or whatever, and use it orally and spray it into your mouth and say, I think it does something good, you know, it might kill some bacteria in my mouth? You're going to have MS or cancer or...Parkinson's or something... some neurological disease really, really fast. And when you understand that that's what you eat... I mean, I'm going to come to the genetically modification and all that dangers, but if you just think about the pesticides that's in the corn you eat, it's in the granola oil, it's in anything that's genetically modified. You eat the pesticides that kills the pests. Just for common sense's sake. So now, genetically modified food that says genetically modified.
How come we can digest everything the Earth grows? Because, we are part of that earth. We are... humans are like pigs, and I don't mean pigs in the way of a negative connotation. Pigs eat everything and they can digest everything. Humans, we have a very similar digestive track. Like pigs, we can pretty much digest everything, as long as it's natural. My dear friend Miss Australia, a great friend, a TV and movie personality is speaking with me tomorrow, on Sunday. She wrote a book called The Earth Diet. And, you wouldn't believe... she is Miss Australia, she is one of the most beautiful girls in the world. She is perfectly healthy, perfectly fit and she eats everything. Chocolate, she makes her own peanut butter cups, but everything the way it grows. Nothing is chemically altered or in any way, shape or form modified. And this girl eats more than I do and I like to eat, believe me. And this girl is skinny and perfectly healthy. And, I'm just saying that because, we are talking about the opposite of genetically modified food. Now, here's a real answer: We cannot digest anything that's genetically modified because we do not have the fitting enzymes to digest it. Now the body is basically handling it as toxic waste. And this is what's so dangerous. The... the dead mutation in the food, that food is now dead and mutated, filled with pesticides or whatever it might be.
The body has no idea what to do with it, keeps on producing enzymes trying to get... produce biochemical and neural-electrical reactions to somehow get rid of it. Digestion is the main cause of loss, or the main use of energy. Digestion takes the most energy out of us. But now, usually you digest for a certain amount of time and then you stop. Well with genetically modified food, it's in your body for hours or days or weeks. And the body keeps on trying to get rid of it. There are toxic gasses being created by this process of rotting away. The food is not being digested, it's rotting away and constantly producing toxins and toxic gasses. And this is, Scott, where... where just one element of this starts. So now... and now you might think, "Oh okay, Dr. Coldwell just lost it."
We are, in frequency, what we eat. I learned... I studied with African witch-doctors or medicine men. I've studied with American Native Indian medicine men. I studied with all the healers the world to create my instinct based medical system. And I found out that all healing powers are just caused on the same root... using the same powers no matter if they call it voodoo or whatever they call it. It's really... if it works, it's the same kind of power. And, when I... I even worked very close with a couple of medicine men here in the U.S. and they told me... do you remember that in old movies, sometimes in old western movies, the Indians killed a buffalo and they apologized. And they prayed with the buffalo and said, "Brother Buffalo, I'm sorry I had to kill you but I had to live," and, "don't be upset." And, I was thinking about this as a kid even, I'm thinking that is really eerie. You know, they kill it, they eat it so what, you know, it's dead. But then the medicine man explained to me. Everything has a vibration and this vibration... everything that we eat changes our vibration.
So we come, frequently, as a frequency. Everything in life is frequency and vibration. That's all there is. It's light and sound. And we adapt to the frequency, or the frequency adapts to us, from anything we eat. And the more I studied that, more scientific sense it all of a sudden made. All of a sudden, it didn't sound so absurd anymore. No, because the Indian prayed to the buffalo, or with the buffalo, to harmonize the frequency. To not make it its enemy. To not have something... like, when you kill an animal the horrible situation in the slaughter house, and the animal is really, really terrified and knows it's going to die. It produces all these stress hormones, adrenaline and everything. It's all over their body, and that's what we eat. That's why it's so highly toxic. That's why a healthy environment where this poor animal... yeah this animal gets killed, and yes I eat meat so I'm not kind of like those people out there saying never eat meat. But, there is no reason to torture the animal, you just... you know, if you have to slaughter it, do it humanely.
And then, you also don't have all toxins in the meat from the stress hormones and all these biochemical and neuro-chemical reactions. And with the genetically modified foods, what Monsanto is doing, is basically two things. They poison our natural crop, they poison our natural seed. They have been accused of artificially infesting fields from farmers that grow natural corn, natural food, and then sue them for patent infringement. Saying, "you're're abusing our patents. You're growing our seeds." And, it's said that they blew it on these fields, to later come back and basically tell these farmers they have to destroy their crop and their seeds, and buy their seeds only from them. Otherwise they get million dollar lawsuits for patent infringement. What the plan seems to be, is to take over the world food supply and make sure we have only food left from Monsanto. only genetically modified food.
We know for a fact... at least I know for me, in my opinion, as a fact...and Jeffrey Smith can really, really tell you a lot about this, genetically modified food will cause cancer. I am sure, that it's only a matter of time, of years, 3 to 7 years of eating genetically modified food to develop cancer. It's a foreign object, we cannot digest it. The body doesn't know what it is and what to do with it. But also, it changes our frequency, like a microwave oven. And, it has no nutritional value to certain points. Then, on the other end, remember there's a pesticide coming with it. You're eating what kills the bugs, with your food. So everything... Scott, what's really, really important for your viewers to understand:  Many, many, many experts in the world confirming that, in their opinion, I have the highest cancer cure rate in the world. I have highest cure rate for terminal disease period, as I believe and many experts believe. And the reason is, that I have a philosophy, one of the main reasons. If it didn't exist 150, 200 years ago, you don't need it. You don't want it, you don't want to eat it, you don't want to have it, you don't want to have it done to you. Because in 1900, there was a seven percent cancer rate. Today we have a 56 percent cancer rate.
Every second person in America has cancer or will get cancer. So wait a second, what did they do different in 1900? Now they are saying, oh today's people grow older,that's why our cancer risk is so much higher. The most people who have colon cancer are 24 to 28. So, that doesn't work. They have all these excuses. That's how they abuse the mainstream media that they control, to get all these lies and disinformation out there. But Scott, everything that's natural, nourishes us. If it's organic, and you juice it, it gives you all the power and life on earth. If it's... it needs to be organic. Now you always have to add it, non-GMO. And, it is just so horrible... the horrible tricks they are using with "all natural."  All natural means nothing. I don't know if you remember, they put on the 7-Up, All Natural for a couple of weeks. Until people were so upset about that because everything, by definition, is all natural. It means nothing, you know, and... Your plastic cap is all natural, try to eat it. And, we need to just put more emphasis on non-GMO food and there is a law coming up, that's going to be voted on really soon. And people who are watching this, please research Seeds of Deception, Jeffrey Smith and read his books. Go to his website, there's a lot of videos on there. Sign up for his free newsletter. He is fighting out the fight that I am fighting all my life for cancer patients. We have death threats, we have... I mean, I've been shot at, my car has been bombed. We have up to 27 death threats a day.
Our office now jokes with these people, when they call up, and they just say come by, can you kill us now? You know, we're waiting, we are bored, come over here. Because that's how absurd it has gotten. And Jeffrey's in the same spot, and he was a lone fighter out there. He got it before any of us got it. I didn't even get it, Jeffrey got me on. And, that's why I'm saying we need to communicate more, with each other. And stick together, even if somebody else... a tree hugger, that I always thought, I'm not talking to a tree hugger. Please go shower and get something else than Birkenstock shoes. And today I'm thinking, wait a second, that person's head [just runs] really, really smart back to nature. And I'm thinking, yeah I'm saying back to nature too, just in a different way. So let's come together. And, so stay away. Genetically modified food, GMO food, under no circumstances, not one single time can be accepted as food. It will kill you. Not maybe, it will kill you.