Scott: You touched on that, but what is chemo? What is radiation surgery? What do those things do to the body?
Cal Streeter, D.O.: They kill cells. They'll kill cancer cells. It's like dropping an atomic bomb on an anthill. Sure, you're going to kill the ants, but you kill everything within 20 miles. The thing is, once you do surgery, you've disrupted the blood supply to that area, you've disrupted the lymphatic supply to that area.
I just finished a book recently by Albert Carter called "The Cancer Answer." He and Larry Lymphocyte wrote a book. Larry Lymphocyte's a white blood cell. Carter's a PhD from Tulane University. In order for Larry Lymphocyte to communicate with Carter, he has to have a PhD. So he's a white blood cell who went to Thymus University and got a PhD., so now he's a T-Lymphocyte. Now he can teach Carter.
He teaches Carter how to keep from getting cancer. He said "Carter, if you knew how often we run off cancer in your body everyday, you'd be shocked. The activity you do everyday that makes you less prone to cancer and more health producing than any other activity is rebounding on that trampoline. Your lymphatic system works in conjunction with muscle activity. When you bounce on that trampoline, your lymphatic system is as clean and clear as it will ever be, and my friends and me can get every place we need to get to keep your body clean."
I do 77 jumping jacks every morning and every night on a rebounder. The healthiest people alive are orchestra conductors and choral conductors. Those rascals aren't going to be healthier than I am. 7 is God's number, so I figured 77 would be a good place to start. So I do 77 jumping jacks morning and night. Don't start there.
Scott: Yeah.
Cal Streeter, D.O.: If you're going to do that, you better bounce. Work up to it.
Scott: Mm-hmm.
Cal Streeter, D.O.: I'm not growing old gracefully. I'm going to keep myself healthy.
Scott: Sure
Cal Streeter, D.O.: It keeps your lymphatic system clear. It keeps your circulatory system clear. It keeps the circulation in your brain cells clear.
Now, do I take a lot of supplements? I couldn't get all my supplements into one drawer upstairs. But if you think taking supplements is what's going to keep you well, you're crazy. If you're not going to change your lifestyle, your eating habits, your exercise habits, your stress level, your faith, forget about the supplements. Live it up.